[image_frame align=”left” style=”framed_shadow”]https://outdoor-bulgaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/team/iliyan.jpg[/image_frame]

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Iliyan Nikolov

Co – Founder, Facilitator, Kayaking and Canyoning guide

Before he turns 20, he realizes that sitting in front of the computer is not his favorite thing. Iliyan find out that he loves to be in the wild and realize that his computer science degree is only a step to his real goals. Than this real passion starts to develope – adventures. Hiking in wild mountains, climbing high rocks, padling in fast rivers… these are just the few of the things that Iliyan likes to do. On his day to day life he is dynamic person, inteligent and diplomatic with great leaders skills. It`s always fun around him and you have to be ready for an interesting and unconventional time.

[email_link email=”ili@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]ili@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



[image_frame align=”left” style=”framed_shadow”]https://outdoor-bulgaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/team/lozko.jpg[/image_frame]

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Lozko Dimitrov

Co – Founder, Facilitator and Kayaking guide

If you meet him in the office, you may decide that he is just a another business shark. Intelligent and educated, he looks sharp and strictly pursue high results. His knowledge and experience in marketing, finance, computer and web technologies are just some of the many weapons in his arsenal.

But if you see Lozko sliding fast to the water with his kayak you will find that people are not always what they seems. Then the sparks in his eyes turn into a storm that could reveal you the nature of the water element and show you the challenges that the kayaking adventures provides. The safety is his religion, his passion for adventure – something that simply must be shared.

[email_link email=”lozko@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]lozko@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Nikolay Iliev

Facilitator and Biking guide

With a spirit of a sailor and a heart of adventurer Niki diversify the boring week at the office with long biking trips deep in the woods or on the rocky hills of an old mountains, or by the beautiful north Bulgarian sea coast. He doesn`t hesitate to attack the waters of wild rivers or the coastal white waves, he just like the rush on his veins. With an education of a ship captain he has sharp mind and solid judgment about any situation. Calm and observant, Niki is a great guide and there is no secrets about biking for him. People always can trust his decisions. In his company you have to be ready for an intelligent conversations, lots of fun and hard heavy metal.

[email_link email=”nikolay@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]nikolay@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Stoyan Dimitrov

Facilitator and Canyoning guide

Do you think that the limits exists? Too high peak, too deep cave, impassable canyon? Once shaking the hand of this man even the unchanging pessimistic persons starting to doubt.

If you think he is capable of anything – you just underestimate. Stoyan (the “blade”) can lead you right to the limit and beyond of every adventure. Are you curious what will you find there?

[email_link email=”sto@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]sto@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Stefan Lyubenov

Facilitator, Trekking and Climbing guide

Sometimes you find something accidentally and you find out that it was around you all the time. This is how Chefo rediscover the mountain and became a part of it for life. The great mountain – it belong to nobody and a lifetime is not enough to know it. Once you start searching, you will never stop. You desperately look for the brightest stars in the sky, the peaceful sunsets over the horizon, the warmth of the campfire in to the wild. You`ll always look for the poetry around you, the next daring moment, the next magical place. You`ll never stop looking.

[email_link email=”chefo@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]chefo@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Villy Blagoeva

Project Manager

Amazing how such gentle and beautiful lady can carry such enormous smile! But do not be fooled by this, sometimes the smallest stars shine brightest! And Villi is just such glowing ball of energy that takes you on a wave of positive emotions. Sophisticated organizer – she will do everything so the things happens in the best possible way and a way that we can only admire.

[email_link email=”villy@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]villy@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Mariyan Enev

Rope rescue systems, Caving, Canyoning, Diving

[email_link email=”mariyan@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]mariyan@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Biser Stoikov

Caving guide, Canyoning guide

[email_link email=”biser@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]biser@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



[image_frame align=”left” style=”framed_shadow”]https://outdoor-bulgaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/team/evelin.jpg[/image_frame]

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Evelin Alvarado

Marketing and PR

Gorgeous brunette with an amazing smile and always full with energy. She is intelligent and definitely knows how to have fun. She loves the summer but is ready for new adventures all the time.

Working at office from 9 to 5 she can’t wait for the weekend to go out among the nature. Her job SMO and SEO specialist, her passion get into the wild nature feeling the adrenalin in her blood.

[email_link email=”eva@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]eva@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



[image_frame align=”left” style=”framed_shadow”]https://outdoor-bulgaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/team/kalina.jpg[/image_frame]

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Kalina Kostova

Children Camps

[email_link email=”kalina@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]kalina@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]


See what our client think about us or check out our full catalog with adventure programs and trips.[image_frame align=”left” style=”framed_shadow”]https://outdoor-bulgaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/team/iliyan.jpg[/image_frame]

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Илиян Николов

Основател, Каякинг гид, Каньонинг гид

Повече от 10 години опит в алтернативния туризъм и екстремните спортове. Интереси във фотографията и мениджмънта.

[email_link email=”ili@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]ili@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



[image_frame align=”left” style=”framed_shadow”]https://outdoor-bulgaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/team/lozko.jpg[/image_frame]

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Лозко Димитров

Основател, Каякинг гид

ИТ специалист с дългогодишен опит в организирането и провеждането на тиймбилдинги и аутдор събития. Интереси в маркетинга и финансовия мениджмънт.

[email_link email=”lozko@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]lozko@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



[image_frame align=”left” style=”framed_shadow”]https://outdoor-bulgaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/team/nikolai.jpg[/image_frame]

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Николай Илиев

Инструктор и вело водач

Работещ в корабния бизнес той с нетърпение чака момента, в който яхва велосипеда през уикенда.

[email_link email=”nikolay@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]nikolay@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Стоян Димитров

Инструктор и каньонинг гид

Многофункционална личност – моряк, строител, воден спасител. Активен стопъджия, в чиято компания никога не е скучно.

[email_link email=”sto@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]sto@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Стефан Любенов

Инструктор, Планински водач, Алпийско оборудване и системи

Успешен търговец и още по успешен мечтател и писател. Познавач на планината с всички нейни страни и специфики.

[email_link email=”chefo@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]chefo@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Вили Благоева

Проджект мениджър, Мениджър детски лагери

Няколкото и висши образования е неизброимите допълнителни квалификации я правят желан член на всеки екип. Усмивката и заряда я правят толкова и за нашия екип. Ски инструктор, пещерняк, приключенец, тя е неизменна част от всяко събитие.

[email_link email=”villy@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]villy@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Мариян Енев

Въжени системи и съоръжения , Пещерен гид, Каньонинг гид, Гмуркане и шнорхелинг

Дълги години в промишления алпинизъм изграждат силния характер и увереността му. Страстта му към подводния свят, гмуркането и пещерите е безспорна.

[email_link email=”mariyan@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]mariyan@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



[image_frame align=”left” style=”framed_shadow”]https://outdoor-bulgaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/team/biser.jpg[/image_frame]

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Бисер Стойков

Пещерен водач, Каньонинг водач

Пещерняк и предприемач с афинитет към хубавата храна и слънчевите летни партита и усмихнати и забавни хора като него самия.

[email_link email=”biser@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]biser@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



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Евелин Алварадо

Маркетинг и PR

Лъчезарна и енергична брюнетка, която винаги е готова за приключения от всякакъв характер. Обича лятото и високият адреналин. С 4 думи: още една луда глава!

[email_link email=”eva@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]eva@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]



[image_frame align=”left” style=”framed_shadow”]https://outdoor-bulgaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/team/kalina.jpg[/image_frame]

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Калина Костова

Детски лагери и педагогика

Студентка по педагогика и лъчезарно момиче, което винаги може да те накара да се усмихнеш.

[email_link email=”kalina@outdoor-bulgaria.com”]kalina@outdoor-bulgaria.com[/email_link]


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